Munich Tourism has been using TrustYou since 2018 for quality control of its hotel partners.

DMOs play a critical role in promoting and managing tourist destinations. TrustYou’s comprehensive review data and analytics help DMOs gain insights into visitor experiences, monitor destination performance, and drive quality control initiatives. By analyzing guest reviews and survey data, DMOs can make informed decisions to improve tourism offerings and enhance visitor satisfaction. 

TrustYou’s CXP enables DMOs to slice and dice data on the fly, gain a deep understanding of customer behaviors and preferences, and drill down to the underlying factors behind data trends. It provides them with the analytical insights needed to make informed marketing decisions and fine-tune their marketing strategies for maximum impact. 

DMOs can also leverage CXP’s AI-driven capabilities to provide personalized responses to a variety of customer-centric questions, ensuring travelers feel valued and understood, while the “ChatAI” integration serves as a great addition to DMO’s regular tourist information points, with its 24/7 availability being a major benefit. In addition, CXP’s post-stay survey feature allows DMOs to gather valuable feedback, identify areas for improvement, and take proactive measures to enhance traveler experiences – while managing all surveys from a single platform.

TrustYou’s data-driven approach provides DMOs with the necessary tools to measure and improve the overall destination experience.


Munich Tourism has been using TrustYou since 2018 for quality control of its hotel partners.


Munich Tourism is a municipal tourism organization in the Bavarian state capital’s Department of Labor and Economy. Together with its partners from the private sector, the organization is responsible for developing tourism products that help position Munich as a competitive destination within the global market.


Since Munich Tourism cannot visit or inspect every hotel themselves, and there are no longer any state-run hotel inspections, they needed to find a way of conducting quality control and gaining new hotel partners to promote that highlight the best of what the city has to offer.


Munich Tourism uses guest feedback to get an overview of the properties’ performances and, in the event of serious complaints, exclude the hotel from participation, so that they only invest their time in promoting hotels that represent the city of Munich in the best possible light.


Thanks to the meta-reviews (ratings of a hotel’s atmosphere, service, room facilities, etc), Munich Tourism is able to provide customized consultation, which is the cornerstone of outstanding guest experiences.



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