Hotel Case Study: How One Hotel Group Leveraged Guest Feedback to Increase Bookings

Three years ago, Petit Palace Hoteles, a young, modern hotel chain located in Spain, made the decision to utilize guest feedback to improve guest experiences, increase the number of returning visitors, and boost the number of direct bookings. In late 2013, Petit Palace Hoteles partnered with the world’s largest guest feedback platform, TrustYou, and the results have been nothing short of remarkable.

To start, some of Petit Palace Hoteles 31 properties, increased revenue up to 200% with increased reputation scores and visibility. To achieve this success, the hotels integrated guest feedback into every stage of the guest journey with the ultimate goal to increase bookings on scale.


First, in order to attract more traveler attention during the search-shop-buy process, Petit Hoteles sought to respond to more online reviews – both negative and positive. With the implementation of TrustYou’s online reputation management (ORM) features, they were able to increase their response rate from 28% to 95%. Thoughtful response management has proven to be a successful tactic to increasing bookings and hotel revenue, and in Petit Palace Hoteles case, the result was no different.

To continue to increase their online reputation, Petit Palace Hoteles also started soliciting feedback from hotel guests via a guest satisfaction survey, powered by TrustYou Stars. Within two years of using TrustYou Stars, hotel surveys became the hotel group’s most important feedback source, accounting for 44% of all reviews. And with an average score of 4-7% higher than other online review sources, the increase of solicited reviews also impacted the overall ratings for the hotels.


In fact, the impact of the solicited reviews even went a few steps further. With the option for guests to post their survey response directly to Google as a new hotel review, Petit Palace Hoteles has added over 1,800 new reviews to their hotels’ Google profiles. This enhanced review content helps increase visibility to travelers searching for accommodations and leads to higher click through rates on the hotels’ websites.

Additionally, the insights gathered in the collected reviews was equally as useful for Petit Palace Hotels in improving the on-site guest experience. Petit Palace implemented a “Reputation Culture” and the criteria for investments came directly from the voice of the customer. Through TrustYou’s powerful semantic analysis, the hotel group identified common customer complaints and made hotel improvements as a direct impact of the guest feedback. For example, the hotel chain is now renovating the hotels’ digital solutions including brand new Smart TVs, premium TV contents, and state-of-the-art Wifi systems, which were previously some of their more poorly valued hotel features.


By leveraging guest feedback during each stage of the guest journey, Petit Palace Hotels has created an effective strategy for improving the guest experience and driving direct bookings. As discussed in previous blog posts in this series, these methods can be applied by hotels seeking to lessen their dependency on OTAs.