New Year, New Set of Tiles – Fresh Insights into the TrustYou Analytics Dashboard


We all know by now that the “new year, new me” mantra rarely survives past January. In our personal lives, after the year we’ve had – or better yet, survived – 2021 might not bring many certainties. In business, however, we at TrustYou make sure that, no matter the twists and turns in the travel scene, our products and solutions are always evolving, and always delivering exactly what you need, when you need it.

The Analytics feature of the TrustYou platform is rising in relevance and importance during the crisis months, when insights and hard data have the power to provide a solid understanding of where the business is standing and where it’s going. With so many changes happening in the traveler’s behavior and expectations, hoteliers need to constantly be aware of what guests need from their hotel stay, in order to consider it safe and satisfactory. These types of valuable insights are easily found in guest feedback and more exactly, in online reviews. However, analyzing feedback from many various online sources can pose a challenge, especially when it should be done in a granular, targeted way, in order to get to the very bottom of every aspect of the guests’ stay. 

This is why we worked towards enhancing the TrustYou Analytics dashboard by adding a brand new set of tiles! The tiles available in the Reputation Management tool are a visual way of expressing different scores and performances in various areas of the hotel. They enable you to get a quick understanding of how your business is performing, as well as what are its strengths and weaknesses. We want to ensure that you, as a hotelier and a TrustYou user, have the best possible tools to gather and break down guest feedback, with the end goal of understanding where your hotel business is currently standing, in the context of the pandemic, and be able to make smart decisions regarding where it should go. The thorough and constant breakdown of guest feedback is the best way of getting a clear overview of the traveler behavior and expectations and plan accordingly, as a way of driving guests to your hotel and meeting or even exceeding their expectations.  

Let’s dive into the new tiles available in the TrustYou Analytics dashboard and the reasons behind their addition:

Review Breakdown Tile

We strive to enable you with a single, reliable source of truth when it comes to the numbers of reviews yourr hotel gets and a thorough breakdown of key categories, such as:

– Time

– Source

– Language

– Stars

– Sentiment

The Review Breakdown Tile represents a simple, easy to understand way of automatically analyzing the online feedback from hundreds of sources, in such a way that you can see which exact sources contribute to the most reviews, the languages most recently used, the rating of the reviews, as well as the sentiment analysis and distribution. 

These details are crucial for proper understanding of who your guests are, where they are most likely to leave reviews, and how they feel about their overall hotel experience.

Performance Tile

A hotel’s performance score can signal vital information that impacts the overall business. TrustYou’s comprehensive analysis makes it possible for users to see how well their hotel is performing in certain categories, based on guest feedback and therefore, you can adjust whatever needs to be adjusted in order to improve the guest experience. The new Performance Tile showcases the overall performance score and enables hotel properties to see, at a single glance, the performance of their reviews, based on:

– Source

– Language

– Sentiment

The newly-released Performance Tile supports an improved user experience, based on custom visualization; this means that every dimension (e.g source reporting or sentiment) view can be customized and displayed through either chart view analytics or table view analytics, in order to enable flexibility in how users choose to digest the information. The Performance Tile also showcases an accurate Performance score, now visualizing two decimals (e.g 7.28 instead of 7.2). Therefore, users are able to get a comprehensive overview of their review performance within a selected period of time.

Response Rate Tile

When it comes to online reviews, the management or staff response matters in the eyes of guests. Replying to reviews sends a positive message, that you, as a hotelier, listen to what your guests have to say and are eager to address their needs and expectations. Regardless of whether a review is positive or negative, our advice has always been to address as many as possible. 

From now on, TrustYou users will see the Response Rate distribution between the different dimensions:

– Source

– Language

– Stars 

– Sentiment

The new Response Rate tile enables you to see a consolidated and consistent Response Rate, within a selected period of time. For accuracy purposes, the Response Rate is now visualized through two decimals. The customized visualizations, such as charts or table views, work to significantly improve the user experience. 

Check out our official Reputation Management product video for more insights into the TrustYou Analytics solution! 

Also, make sure to contact our team if you have any questions regarding the new additions to the TrustYou Analytics dashboard and if you aren’t already familiar with our guest experience platform, you can always start leveraging guest feedback today! We are always eager to walk you through our award-winning solutions and help you get the best, most user-friendly solutions to your everyday challenges.