Did You See It? 3 Key Findings From Our Live Stream on APAC Travel and Hospitality Data


Alex Tan

Alex Tan

APAC VP of Sales and Operations

Catalina Brinza

Catalina Brinza

Digital Marketing Manager

In this live session with our VP of Sales & Operations, Alex Tan, we discuss the trends and insights into APAC travel and hospitality. We look at the most relevant data from our APAC Review Insights Reports. Here are 3 key findings from our interview*: 

Inbound travelers kept the sector alive. 

APAC was the most affected region by COVID-19 in 2020. We were surprised to see even less international travel in 2021 in the APAC region: a 65% decrease compared to 2020. This is attributed to heavy travel and health & safety restrictions in the APAC region as a result of COVID-19.  Luckily, a trend that can be seen on a global scale, domestic travel has balanced the situation for the Asia-Pacific region by registering an almost 50 % increase in 2021. It is anticipated that local travel will continue to increase in 2022 as well.    

20.9 mln

was the total number of global tourist arrivals, a 65% decrease compared to 2020. Domestic travel has balanced the situation; an estimated 49% growth at the end of 2021 and a year on a year rise of more than a quarter estimated for 2022.

Beach Hotels, Service, and Hotel – the top three impact scores that drove positive reviews in 2021. 

The impact scores represent a series of well-defined categories that influence the performance score of a hotel.  

We had a lot of surprises in the top 3 positive impact scores for the Asia Pacific in 2021.  

Top 3 Positive Impact Scores Apac
The unexpected leader for top positive impact scores: Beach Hotel

First in top – Beach Hotels: travelers were focused on nature attractions, and that is confirmed by their preference for hotels near beaches.  

Second in top – Service  – shows one more time how much travelers appreciate the interaction with the staff. 

Closing the top 3 is Hotel – this category shows the importance of staying in a place where you feel comfortable, safe, clean, and secure.  

APAC executives are more enthusiastic than ever to use hospitality-related tech.  

When compared to other regions, Asia Pacific hospitality leaders are prioritizing the need to improve their digital analytics capabilities and they are also global leaders when it comes to moving their operations to the cloud. The focus on technology is accentuated here more than anywhere, with travel companies feeling more confident to use AI and machine learning to improve their performance. On the other side, data security and privacy remain the biggest concerns when investing in technology. 

Curious to explore more insights? Watch the full video here. 

In a session moderated by our Marketing Manager, Catalina Brinza, we will explore the defining travel and hospitality trends and insights of the region and their impact on travel intent, traveler behavior, and guest experience in the new era of travel.

*Complete data with sources is available in our Review Insights Reports.